Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday Funday!!

Hey internets!
Today was really fun! I saw my closest friends today at Church and sung awesome songs to God! One of my friends was wearing an awesome beret, it looked really good on her! It was also Esthers birthday!(Happy b'day!! she is my friends mum)! She was nice enough to invite me to her place for her birthday, which was a family bbq, and took me to the twilight service that night, which was also really great, we talked about kids club and how long it should go for. Ooo also KYCK, that was kind of awkward... Well everyone that was there from Pi (not everyone in Pi was there)talked about what they learnt and what they took from KYCK. I learnt that we should chase Joy and not gain, because if we get everything, whats to want, when chasing joy your happy and in a relationship with Christ. Also chasing gain is just chasing the wind, ok that sounds stupid, but thats what alot of people are doing.

Something that I have noticed recently is that I am extremely grateful that I have my friends. If they were anyone else, it wouldn't be the same. It's nice to know that no matter how wierd and socially awkward I am, that they still hang with me (CHEEEEEESSSYYY!!! I know but its true...) I guess it must be that we are all wierd.

To wrap it up... I saw this photo and thought of you...

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