Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I hate assignments

Hey internets!
I just wanted to say that I hate assignments. especially food tech ones. But I get by and only have a bit left to do but wow, the time flies when your bored. That doesnt sound right but when you arent doing something and then you realise you were supposed to do something whilst not doing anything and then you find out the time is like late and you will be dead tired when it's done. Which will be the time you wake up.
It's fustrating yo.
Ok well thats enough ranting-ish. I have youth group on Friday and i'm super excited!! I always loveeee (emphasis on the e) youth group çause (cheesiness) I always learn something new or rediscover something, like I might've read something in the bible but when you look again, it seems different, like you've almost missed something. I think it's cool, cause well i am basically learning more.

Funny picture: (totally random! :P)

ok well thats it. bye internets.

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