Friday, April 16, 2010

Hey hey it's not quite saturday!

Hi internets!
i have had tons of fun these hols, First I went to the Sydney Royal Easter Show (yeah!) and had a superly randomly fun time there with some really insanely awesome buddies of mine. My friends are cool, they put up with my wierdness, I guess it's because were all neutrually wierd, which is good cause if we werent strange then we would look like this:

Yeah, we would be old people sitting on a couch. but we really look like this!!

Yes a pink wig would be involved. Talking about pink wigs, yesterday three of my friends hosted a High School Musical marathon. 'Twas terribly awesome! We dressed up as popes and creepy brides (i'm looking at you Gracen..).

All in all my holidays have been fun.
Oh I almost forgot KYCK camp! wow, Kyck is just amazing, there are about 2000 teens all wanting to know God showing up to learn, and have fun too! It was extremely fun and had a great time singing to an awesome God. Kyck always reminds me of how great he is and all that he has done for me, and everyone.

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